15 days to departure!! This is the first entry on this "blog". All very new to this.
The kit is almost ready, the menus devised if not purchased, trainers and sand gaiters prepared, mental attitude tuned and injuries certainly hurting, so we are ready to go............oh and we've done a bit of training.
In all honesty getting sponsorship out of people is proving harder work than the training. Maybe we should have started earlier, maybe we should pursue people more vigourously. In any event, come on people....cough up!! We have two excellent and hugely deserving charities who need your help. Team Odyssey are going to do their bit, and lose at least a stone each in the process, now you do your bit...... A huge thanks to all those of you who have sponsored us so far and a big rasberry to those corporate bodies who poo pooed us!
We will be attempting to update this "blog" and we are told we can do it daily from the desert....yet to be convinced. But if we can we will.
Mike, Paul, George