Thursday, April 06, 2006

T'was the eve before.....

Well the time has arrived. Paul and George arrived in London this morning after having their departure from Newcastle filmed by Look North - media whores!! We now find ourselves holed up in a flat by the Thames surrounded by carbo-bars, vacuum packed freeze dried "food", energy powders and some doubtful looking tablets from the USA that are said to be electrolytes. I'm not sure Thai Customs would believe us. Having spent the day bagging up food, re-bagging and then re-bagging, barely able to believe the weight we are eventually ready to leave. One of the Team stumbled through his medical and only received medical clearance at 4pm today, nothing like leaving it to the last minute!!

A final check of the gear and a quick pint in the Captain Kidd and Team Odyssey, the Pirates of the Desert are ready to go. To Aqaba? Across the desert? Madness....!!

Thanks to everyone who has sponsored us or offered their support in other ways. I'm not sure any of us would have reached this stage without that support. It seems only yesterday that we opened the drunken discussion that led to us being here!! Who would believe it was 16 painful months ago.

We're off............

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