Well... this is the first posting of the next adventure. After the extremes of the 2006 event Mike harboured a desire, nay a need to take part in the MdS again. George was off the radar and Paul, after initially entering felt discretion was the better part of valour and withdrew, leaving Mike and his brother Paul, an ex-submariner with some experience of exercise but no long distance stuff. Mike attempted to impress upon Paul the difficulty of the event and with Paul taking the advice to heart he started training like a mad-man in September 2008, while Mike carried on trying to find the "perfect" curry.
Now, with a month to go, Paul is thundering along while Mike is lumbering in his wake!! Over the next three weekends we have three half marathons planned and a 35 mile yomp. Haweswater tomorrow, Oulton Park next weekend and the effervescent Dentdale 14 the following weekend.
The excitement is starting to build and so are the nerves. The kit and food are starting to come together and even if Mike's fitness is not quite up to scratch the hardheaded stubborness (some would say bloody mindedness) is there......oh and one or two of the customary perenial knee and ankle injuries....will there ever be an injury free time??
We'll be starting to chase for sponsership soon......so be warned.
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